Bake blind To line a pie pan with pie dough, then place a piece of foil or waxed paper over the dough and weigh it down with rice or beans. The weights prevent the pie crust from rising during baking. Bard To tie bacon or pork fat over part or all of a piece of meat, poultry, or game before roasting to keep the flesh from drying out. Baste To brush or spoon pan drippings, other fat, or a liquid mixture over food as it cooks, to keep the surface moist and add flavor. Batter Ingredients beaten together into a moist or wet mixture that will pour. Bavarian A molded cold dessert made with gelatin, eggs, and cream. Beat To make a mixture smooth by incorporating air with rapid, regular motion, using a fork, whisk, spoon, hand beater, or mixer. Blanch To immerse food briefly in boiling water, either to help loosen the skin or to set color and flavor. Blend To combine ingredients together to a desired consistency, usually until smooth. Bouquet garni A small bunch of mixed aromatic herbs, typically bay leaves, parsley, and thyme, placed in a casserole during cooking. Braise To cook food by low heat in a small amount of liquid in a covered pan, or to brown foods in fat, then cook in a covered casserole with a small amount of liquid. Bread To coat with bread crumbs, cracker crumbs, or cornmeal. Food may first be floured, then dipped in beaten egg or other liquid to help the crumbs adhere. Broil To cook food under direct heat on a rack or spit. Brush To coat very lightly with liquid, e.g., melted butter or jam, using a pastry brush.